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Yoshi's Safari



I wanted to see if the Super Scope would play fair with the Game Genie. Turns out it won't work. Putting a Game Genie in and having a Super Scope plugged in makes the Game Genie automatically shoot all the time. So I tried just exiting the code entry screen, plugging the Super Scope in. It does nothing. Black screen. So I tried playing it without the Game Genie. It's hard as rocks. I somehow managed to beat stage 1 with very little health left. But the sad part is, it doesn't save your game progress! Cheap Nintendo not springing for a battery.


Each stage is sort of like Super Mario Kart meets Super Mario World. With goomba shooting, and then at the end of stage 1 is a Hammer Bro. And then if you beat that, you get Iggy Koopa in a mechanized version of himself. He pops out after shooting at you (you must deflect his shots by shooting them down), and that's when you need to shoot at him. It's very difficult. Or I suck. One or the other. But I've been playing video games for 35 years, you'd think I'd be better at it. No.


Caught wind of a game called Wild Guns. I looked it up on eBay. Turns out it's unobtanium. I wonder if it uses the Super Scope or not. Apparently it's a secret. I don't have it, and I don't think I ever will. Why is it that the difference between a game being rare and a game being common is apparently the sticker on it? If the sticker says Yoshi's Safari, well, it's about $10-20. If it says "Wild Guns" it's >$1,000. That's always been a big mystery ever since I started retro collecting. They're both game cartridges, made out of exactly the same materials. The only difference is that the games put on them are different.


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