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I'm back to choking on my pills every morning. I guess I'll have to start taking them apart and putting the powder in something. I keep telling my family there's something wrong, but they think it's all in my head. Yeah, like I want to choke on them. There was a time where I used to be able to swallow them just fine. Not any more. If something hadn't gotten worse, I'd still be able to take the stupid pills. Nobody will take me to the doctor, and I sure as hell don't want to ride the bus to get there.  And I don't want a taxi driver to have to wait for me while I'm in there either. So I guess I'll just have to keep getting worse, make the lump in my throat grow bigger and bigger until I can't breathe and then I'll die.


But it hasn't been confirmed there's a lump in my throat. But that has to be it because I was fine before and now I'm not. I used to be able to eat food without choking on it. Now I choke on just about everything. I'm thinking it must be after my lungs and before my stomach. Makes sense because I can breathe fine while I'm choking, I just can't get anything, even water, down while I'm suffering.


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