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Pokémon Mini work



So I attempted one last time to try and take a pill without choking on it. I choked on it. So after forcing one big burp and freeing my throat so I could keep water down, I took the remaining pill apart and put it in pudding and ate it. Which is what I guess I'll have to do until I die since I apparently can't take medium-sized pills any more without choking on them.


After that lovely ordeal, I worked some more on my Pokémon Mini game, taking a break from the INTV version while I think of new level ideas for it. If I had a level idea, I would go back to working on it. I got a four color display on the Pokemon Mini working.


Still shots like this don't do it justice. It looks a lot better when running. You can actually distinguish the patty color from the background color. I find it really interesting that I'm making games for a system with Pokémon games without Pokémon in them. First "Frank the Fruit Fly," and now "Burgers To Go." I don't think I could fit "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland" on such a tiny screen and have it look good. So I shortened the title.


I just wish I could have the patty ALWAYS have that darker gray. I can't because of the way I'm making it show up. There's three burger sprites. The patty has different black and white parts to it. Here, I'll show you what I mean:


These are all the sprites in the game so far. I'm not using the dark milkshake for anything yet, but I will for the gray and white screens. The white milkshake above it is for the black screen. But, as you can see (unless you're blind, then you can't see anything), the three burger sprites have different black and white pixels. If I change them on each frame, they'll rotate really fast and create the look I'm after: what appears to be a fourth color which is the result of the game changing it really fast and the computer not keeping up with all the display changes I make to it. Or something.


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