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The long road ahead



I found myself working on another Odyssey² doodle. This time it is a road.


Nothing much happening yet. I made it so trees go by creating the illusion that you are actually going somewhere. The shoulders of the road are made up of characters. Ten of them. Which leaves room for only two more that make up the tree. So anything else would have to be either a quad or a sprite. I'm thinking red quads down at that black part for a score or something.


Speaking of which, this is where the time and stuff would go if I decide to make this a racing game. I guess the next step I may take is making it so the trees only move when the action button is pressed, creating an effect that you only move forward if it's pressed.


I don't like that in emulation the road doesn't reach completely down to the bottom black part. I tested this on a real Odyssey² and it does on it. I guess that's just something I'll have to live with. Something else I guess I have to live with is choking every day. It's bad enough I have to take apart the pills in the morning and eat the powder, but now I guess I have to cut the night time pill into quadrants instead of halves and swallow it then. There's this tiny pill that you wouldn't think anyone would be able to choke on, but I do. I began cutting that in half now. I want to go to the doctor but nobody will take me because they think it's in my head and stress and lies like that.


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