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Streaming games



I thought it would be better to turn the road into a stream instead and make the game like the Atari 2600 game "Raft Rider" (except way better to control.) It took a long time, about an hour, to try and try again to make all the characters that make up the man, the canoe, and the oar appear on a real Odyssey². It looks like this so far:


The oar is animated. As the action button is pressed, the trees will move left simulating horizontal movement and the guy will paddle his canoe. The good thing is I have 4 sprites to make enemies with. The downside is that I only have 2 characters left. Another thing I have to figure out is how to make random numbers because I'm using the timer and can't just use t.


And there was no snow here. In one way, I wish I was up in Portland to see some snow, but the other way, I would have been asleep and missed the whole thing and we might have had a power outage from a limb snapping off and breaking a power line.


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