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Rolling down the river



So I learned that if I were to continue on this project, I couldn't use any custom sounds. I kept trying to make the game work on a real Odyssey² but it kept on not functioning and resetting every second or so. So I got rid of the custom sounds and just used the BIOS ones and it worked okay on a real Odyssey². I think this is due to me using the timer to change the background colors. So now I have this:


Yes, there are sharks in the river. An unusual enemy. I still haven't decided what the player is collecting though. But he can now die if the shark touches the canoe. I changed it so the player needs to press right to move right. Before it was the action button. But now the action button is used to start a new game.


I plan to have many levels with many famous rivers. The Amazon, the Nile, the Siberian, and even one on the Moon. This one is the Mississippi. I know there's no sharks in it, but I couldn't think of a suitable enemy for it. So I put in sharks. I also plan to put in a life counter.


I haven't been awake very much these past few days. Today I woke up at about 4pm or so.


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