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Turtle power



I am at a good stopping point with my canoeing game for the Odyssey². So that is what I will do: Stop for a few days and come back to it. I made some changes, most of which can be found in the Odyssey² subforum under my "Doodles" thread I made. But I made a few more changes and now have reached the end of working on level 1. I noticed that when you died, the score didn't reset back to 0, so I changed that. Level 1 now looks like this:


When I come back to working on this, I will work on adding a second level. I have 800 bytes left, and with the main "engine" almost complete I should hopefully be able to fit the game in 2k. There's one thing the game needs though: A title. I don't know what to call the game. Perhaps something will come to me later, like when I'm trying to make a comic and I have no ideas. Eventually I come up with one, and another and pretty soon I have a whole page's worth.



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