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Sick as a dog



Because she is a dog. Last night at around 1 a.m. the dog woke my mom up saying the dog might be sick. I was already up doing stuff. The dog is 12 years old, so not exactly a puppy. We took her out a couple of times in the following couple of hours, because I don't know what else we could have done. When I took her out the second time, she began to vomit. Then when she came back in, we tried feeding her some pumpkin, which Mom read somewhere you should do if your dog gets sick. She didn't want to eat it, which was weird because she always eats everything because she's usually hungry all the time. I went to bed to leave mom alone with the dog, hoping things would take care of themselves. Well, that happened. After sleeping for about 14 hours, I woke up and checked up on mom and the dog. She said everything was fine now. I guess it was just a stomach bug or something.


After that, I resumed work on my GoSub game for Game Boy. I added a new level and another octopus.


The third level (this one) got harder due to the second octopus in there. As the levels increase, they will increase in diffuiculty. I'll add a third octopus, and then a fourth.

And I'll compose more background music and have the game "randomly" select which one to play for each level. I don't know how many levels I should put in it. I'm thinking 20 and an ending if I can fit that many in. The data for each level is only around 200 numbers of 0 (a coral piece) and 1 (no coral). It's backwards because the screen starts drawing with a piece of coral, so that's 0.


And if there's still room after that, I'll add an Easter egg. I have an idea for one. I don't know how useful it would be though, but I'd put it in anyway.


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