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A tight squeeze perhaps



I put in two more songs for the GoSub game. So that's done. I wondered how much room I'd have left if I had 20 levels. So I put in 16 empty levels and compiled. The result wasn't very promising. It compiled okay, but there wasn't very much room left for an ending. So if there is one, it won't be very big. Plus, I also have to code in some more code to point to 16 more levels as well as add a third octopus, so that will take away some of my free space. I would like to stay in 32k, but I don't know, I may have to attempt to make a 64k Game Boy cartridge, something I don't think I've ever done before.


The game will choose one of four songs to play in-game randomly. The songs may change each level (they're supposed to, but the same song may be chosen randomly twice.) They're not very long songs, the longest lasts about 40 seconds before looping. So here's what I need to do:

  • design 16 more levels
  • add a third octopus to appear at some point
  • put in an ending

And then it will be done for the most part.

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So I decided to put in the neccessary code for 20 levels (the needed stuff for 20 levels and three octopi), and found out I may just have enough room for a good ending. I have 6F7C-7FFE free (32k Game Boy roms run from points 0000-7FFE) The extra code is just place holders until I come up with real positions and code. I tested my ROM with the place holder code in, and, like expected, things went a little crazy after level 4. But I know why and can fix it: Design new levels and put in good positions for the stuff.

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