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64k GoSub



So I made a 64k version of GoSub for the Game Boy. It works on both bgb and emulicious. I had remembered I made a 64k version of Frank the Fruit Fly for GB before, but I wasn't sure if it was the correct way to do that. So now instead of limiting myself to 20 levels, I can make a lot more, like 60. If I do that many, I would think using a Game Genie would suffice in changing the level you start on. And this also means I would have more than enough room for my Easter egg I wanted to put in.


I took a couple minutes just now to test it on a real Game Boy with my Everdrive to see if it would work okay on it. It does. What I find odd is that I don't need to switch between banks to get to code in other banks. I can just call them and they come. How odd. I guess the next step in all this is to resume working on it, adding in more levels. I only have 4. I think a nice round number of 50 levels would be good. I don't want the game to be too long, but I also don't want it to be too short, which I felt 20 would be.


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