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I've been working on the submarine...



The official GoSub website

I discovered if I wanted to make 60 levels, I'd have to make it 128k. The first bank of the level data was filling up fast, and with 20 levels in it was 78% filled. So I made it have 10 levels. That reduced it to about half filled. I made today's level so I'm up to 9 levels so far. I decided I will make 30 levels instead of 60. I figured 60 was just too long to sit through in one sitting.


I also had a bit of trouble today programming this. I wanted to make it loop back to the title screen when the last level was completed. As it turned out I had to do stuff in a rather roundabout way in order to get what I wanted. When it's finished, I was going to put in an ending instead. Now that I have some room left I can plan a better ending.


I also began work on the manual just in case this ever gets published. It will be an 8-page manual as I'm up to page 6 with nothing much left to say about the game. So now with 9 levels in and 30 planned, that leaves 21 more levels to work on. Which should mean I'll be done with level programming in three weeks.


I found an old mouse I had. This one has a wire. And after I changed the mouse to this other one, that stupid glitch with my computer stopped happening, which is really weird.


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