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4 banks



I was wondering why I kept getting a 64k rom yet the ROM usage tool kept saying that there were only 2 banks. So I started digging around and tinkering and I finally got the ROM usage tool to show four banks.


When it first compiled, it said that bank 0 was overflowing. So I found the root cause to be music. So I tried putting a track out. Still no good. So I said "to heck with this" and made three new music tracks. Remarkably they fit in the game with about 4% use left to spare. But I can't find where I saved the tracker data files, even though I had saved them. So hopefully you will find my three tracks suitable because I can't change them in any way without completely starting over on one. I also had to change the sound where the sub crashes into a wall or enemy because of space reasons.


Then I went to sleep, woke up, took my morning pills (without choking on them), and put in level 11. I am beginning to run out of ideas for levels. I think I may have to experiment with the border and having the sub reappear at the other side if there's a hole in the border wall. But that will wait until tomorrow because I am still burnt out from yesterday working on GoSub's bank issues for several hours.


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