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So I spent all day (well, almost all of it, about 4 hours' worth. I woke up at 11:30a.m. It's now almost 6p.m.) trying and trying to prep the kayak game for 6 levels. The computer kept being a jerk and spouting out compiled ROMS that didn't work. Until just a few minutes ago when it finally decided it had enough of torturing me and made it work. Now my eye hurts. I sometimes get eyeaches when I'm mad. I sometimes get eyeaches when the grass is mowed. I sometimes get eyeaches out of the blue. And it's always the same eye. My right one.


Since my eye hurts, I've decided to wait until tomorrow morning to see whether it works on a real Odyssey² or not. My CRT-TV died, so I spent some time to move my Odyssey² over to my other TV. It and my NES are now near the newer TV. I was supposed to get a 7800 joystick today, but it turns out I'm not going to. Stupid mail.


I will not share the new ROM since the only difference is in the code and not the game itself (hopefully). I got tired of GoSub, so I decided to change my game working on to this. They both have water themes. How interesting. What's more interesting is it's not about food.


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