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1 on 1 Basketball: Shot Clock



As it turned out, I wasn't really all that sleepy. After half an hour laying there, I decided to get up and start working on the shot clock. I had a working shot clock after about an hour, so I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning (afternoon?) and tested it on a real Odyssey², and it worked well, except for me discovering a bug: If the player presses fire when the ball is at the top of its shooting arc, the ball goes back to the beginning of the shooting phase. So I had to fix that. And I think I did.




I had to guess on a few things about the shot clock. Since when it runs out, it gets to be a jump ball again, I turned the shot clock off. It still says "24" though, it just doesn't count down. I guess that's the way it is in real basketball games if it's a jump ball when there's 24 (or 0) seconds on the shot clock. (I do know that if the winner of the jump ball maintains possession, the shot clock does not reset.) I also made it so that if the shot clock is activated at 23 seconds or less before the end of a quarter, it doesn't work any more, which is the way it is in basketball (hearing the announcer's phrase "shot clock is off" watching basketball enough times told me to do this).


And I recieved some horrible bit of news. The water never did get turned off. So the HOA has to now GO INTO PEOPLE'S HOMES to try and find some dumb leak. My bathtub was full of hair and paper since I never use it. So I had to decide on a new home for the paper and clean out the hair. There is a TON of stuff in my bathroom, so I just shoved it into the cupboards. Amazingly it all fit in there. But one thing to worry about is the dog: She does not like visitors she does not know. Or at least that's what mom thinks. I guess I'll have a room companion on Friday again. But the bathroom does look like a normal one now.


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