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GoSub: Water, Water Everywhere



So they turned off the water to look for the leak. The dog had to be in my room for an hour. It's not like she was alone, though. I was also in my room. I thought since this could apparently take a while, I might as well use the time to do something constructive. So I chose to work on GoSub again. The task took too long though, they were gone after 90 minutes and I was still struggling with it. The task at hand: Move the music's bank to bank 3. But eventually I did it. Then I thought, "I could bring my old music back since it was too large to fit in bank 0 now that the music goes in bank 3." So I did. Here is now what I have planned:

bank 0 - title screen/in-game code

bank 1 - level data for levels 1-25

bank 2 - level data for levels 26-50

bank 3 - ending/music

Right now I have around 60% of bank 3 free, so I can make a great ending. But first I need to design 33 more levels, which is going to be really hard. At least I have the old music which I liked better than the new music back in.


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