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Today I learned...



...that upon startup the Game Boy starts in banks 0 and 1 and stays that way until you change it. Bank 0 is always on no matter what. So the whole reason my GoSub game was working at all was it was a fluke. Well, I changed all that, making corrections to the game's code and following up on stuff and I think I have the "flukiness" gone.


Last night, I also changed the title screen before I went to bed. I made a little animation involving the submarine and octopi. It was hard, but I eventually had it the way I wanted it. And then I went to sleep at 12:30a.m. and didn't get up until almost 5 p.m. I was so sleepy and even after more than 16 hours of sleep it was still a struggle to get up.


So when I start the game and switch the bank using SWITCH_ROM(2), I switch the UPPER bank that's on to bank 2, not the entire program (because bank 0 is on as well) The reason the game was working at all was because the in-game and title screen code was in bank 0 (which is always on).


This is hard.


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