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Celebrating World Oceans Day



Today (June 9) is world oceans day, where we celebrate the world's oceans. Never mind that if you visit the ocean, you will drown if you don't have a scuba outfit on. Or aren't in a submarine. Speaking of submarines, I thought "What better way to celebrate world oceans day than to work on my GoSub game?" I changed and added a few things:

  • fixed some minor graphic errors in my border.
  • added level 27.
  • added short submarine crash graphics so it looks like the sub crashes and falls and drifts apart instead of just stopping into whatever it hit.

The crash graphics aren't really all that complicated to change, so I think I could if I wanted to. It took a few minutes to plan out and draw what it would look like, and I think I did a fairly convincing job of it.


I was really sick yesterday. I went to the grocery store, and then about a half-hour later after I got home, it hit me: I felt really horrible. It was about 9:30 a.m. So I worked on something else until I couldn't stand it any more and went to sleep. This was about 11:30 a.m. I woke up at about midnight. I feel better now. Cosmic Carnage didn't come in the mail yesterday. USPS says it's in my city, so it should come today. Not that I'm in a rush to play it. I just want another 32X game I could afford to add to the collection.


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