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Border work



I decided the submarine in the border needed to look more like a submarine. But I didn't know what a submarine looked like. So I googled "submarine drawing" and it led me to a bunch of clip art. Some things remained constant: The submarines were colored yellow (I guess they're all Beatles fans), but the "fin" also looked similar: Two parts that stick out and a thing that whirls in the middle between the two "fins". So I updated the look of the submarine in the Super Game Boy border so it now looks like this:


The treasure chest also looked sort of "off", so I fixed that as well. I did learn that the maximum amount of colors a custom Super Game Boy border can have is 16.


As you can see in the screenshot (unless you're blind, then you can't really see anything.) I also updated the way the coral looked. I studied the coral in Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3. They all have 16x16 sprites, so I had to reduce what I had down to 8x8. The coral now looks more like seaweed. But it's still lethal when you touch it. I was having a dilemma about it. Should I stay with the coral I had which is easier to tell where the octopi are, or should I change it to make it easier to see on a real Game Boy? (Technically, the word "dilemma" means "a choice between two options", so I'm using it correctly.)


I added a 29th level. Bank 3 is 76% filled. So I'm thinking the best thing to do is make a nice round number (computer-like) of 32 levels and then have the game go to the ending. After the ending is done, I'll make it so you can press start to go back to the title screen.


I choked on my pill this morning, so I need to start taking them apart and putting the powder in food again. Went to sleep at 3 p.m. and woke up at 2 a.m.


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