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Celery - back to level 2



So I worked some more on level 2. I got it so the lasers get right up to the blockers before they disappear. This of course requires the blockers to flash, but I'll have to keep that in because I can't stop it from doing that. I'm having trouble keeping stuff in check for a 16k game. I passed the 8k border when I introduced the level 3 background screen. What caused me to do this? No local afternoon news today. So I put the classical music station on and headed back to work on this.


You'll also notice the blockers are not attached to the ship and are floating. That's what I wanted it to do from the beginning. So now that I'm happy with what I have, making level 3 is next.


Happy is a relative term, though. I don't want the ship to look like a banana, but it needs to due to laser paths. I want them to be all equal so the player doesn't have an unfair disadvantage on trying to block the laser.

I also went ahead and fixed the title screen music. I don't know if it was broken all this time. I usually test Channel F stuff without my headphones on, but once in a while, I put them on to make sure the sound works okay.


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