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Celery - level 3 "Cold Cross Runs." work beginning



I think if I actually knew what I was doing, I wouldn't need to spend so much time working on this.

Nevertheless, after over two hours of work, I succeeded in making five ice blocks appear in random places on the screen.


This was after trying something new. Since the ice blocks are only going to travel horizontally, I only needed the x value to change. I only needed the y value once to define where they were going to go on the screen at first. So in my quest to only use 5 lisus instead of 10, I think what code I came up will work good.


The next thing to do is make the ice blocks move. The top most block will go right, the block below it left, the block below that right, the block below that left, and the bottom block right. I was going to go with a carved out block with a hole the shape of Mr. Celery, but what I think I can do is just make Mr. Celery's "off" color clear since the celery figure is going to be "erased" by the x block moving and its new position anyway.


Since the random x value was going to be 0-255, I added some code to make it 0-64, and then added ten to that to make it 10-74. This way, the block will not be starting at 0 or 84 off the screen. I plan to make the blocks appear on the other side when they reach the left or right side.


Mr. Celery will get a point for each block he steps on, so I'll need to make some code to make sure he can't just go up and down again over and over to increase the score. I have decided to make it so Mr. Celery's main objective is to always move up, so when he lands at the top, he'll go to the bottom again (since he might be in the way of the score or life counter).


To make sure the blocks were placed "randomly", I soft resetted the ROM over and over again. Each time, like magic, the blocks were in a different position when I started the game.


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