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Chris strips



I forgot the apostrophe. Hopefully nobody cares. My new comic strip starts today. It's called "Edgar, Allan, Moe." It's about three rabbits named Edgar, Allan, and Moe. I have six weeks' worth made, and more coming from my brain once I think of them. New ones come every day except Sunday. 6 comics fit on a page but not 7. If I wanted to, I could turn the page I'm drawing them on and fit 8 on them, but that would be silly.

I am back to choking on my pills again. Sometimes I swallow them good, and then bouts of choking on them begin. This is what is happening. I don't know why. I'm going to see the doctor on Friday, I guess I'll mention this if I remember. I guess tomorrow I'll start using the yogurt again. Not that the yogurt tastes good to begin with. It's strawberry yogurt, but it's the best flavor I can get.

I also took some time today to work on level 1 of the celery game. I made it so the elephants sometimes move their x positions while moving downwards.

I went to sleep at about 4 a.m. and woke up at 4 p.m.


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