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Frank on Game Boy



I worked and worked and went to sleep and got up and worked some more. What am I working on now? This time it's Frank the Fruit Fly for Game Boy. I think the Game Boy is deserving of Frank. I hope to actually have the game save your progress if I can, but if not, I'll have to use a password system like I did in the Pokemon Mini version.


I think, though, the levels can't be very long. What I am planning to do is make an 8 bank game with each bank being 32k. Right now I have a 64k game, but I intend to make it a 128k game when it's finished. Level 1 isn't very long, but I only have 20% of the bank's room left. I am also planning to put each level's theme in its corresponding bank. So the layout will be bank 0 - title screen/password, while banks 1-7 will be for levels 1-7. The Pokemon Mini version only had 6 levels and a mini game because I got tired of working on it and I wanted to finish it. This time instead of a mini game I will have a seventh level. Or perhaps the ending can go in bank 7.


I had trouble trying to get the game to loop back to the title screen when it got "done" with level 1. I have trouble with lots of things. My life is more trouble than it's worth. I worked really hard on the burger game for Game Boy and nobody wants to publish it. I don't know. I guess it's just something to do so I don't get super bored.


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