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Frank is saved!



With some help, I finally got the game to save the health amount and the level amount as well. This means that I can now read the saved data and have it continue where you left off. It automatically saves when you beat a level. But since I only have one level, it will always start on level 1 no matter if you pick continue, but it will retain your health and level values. So if you pick continue, you will start on level 1 but the health will be what it was when you passed level 1. I will make it save level 2 at the end of level 1 when I add in level 2. This is a major accomplishment for me since I don't know exactly what I'm doing. I had to look up how to make structs in C because I didn't know how to do them.


I am at the part where I can't eat. I have to fast for my doctor's appointment later today (11:45a.m.). Well, I don't HAVE to, but if my new doctor wants to check my blood, in order to do it, I have to fast, and I definitely don't want to go back just for a blood test. I'm just happy I could make Frank save his progress since I wasn't sure I would be able to. The key was to change the header to allow an emulator to make a .sav file. I chose MBC5 + battery. So I guess I'll keep working on this in my free time.




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