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Frank is cold



Changed a few things to Frank the Fruit Fly on Game Boy. I had to get rid of the spider web because I couldn't get it working properly. Even though I used exactly the same code as I did in GoSub. Oh well. I still have 33% of room in Bank 1 (level 1). I also changed the font because I wasn't liking it.


I fixed a bug: If you select "continue" and your level is saved as 1 it will go to level 1 instead of looping at the title screen.

I also added the x pos and y pos of Frank. This is for testing purposes and will get deleted when I'm done with it. I was using it for the spider web maze, but, like I said, I had to give up on that. I like the new font. It seems wackier than the other font I had, well, as wacky as a font can get.


There is a cut on my foot. It's like I got a paper cut on my foot because it's between two toes, but I don't know how it got there and you never really notice how much you use your feet until they start hurting on you. I didn't choke on my first pill, so I took the second same one and I choked on it. I went to the doctor Friday and he said I should go get a procedure where they stick a camera down your throat and look around. I don't know if I would be knocked out for that, or if I would be awake during it. He also gave me some new pills to try. Pepcid wasn't working. I keep choking on my food for no good reason. It's stupid.


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