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Here I go again.



So with me giving up on Frank the Fruit Fly, I had some time to do more. I went back to work on an Odyssey2 project me and an online friend hope to get completed by Thanksgiving. I don't know if he wants to release it on a cartridge, but I hope you can play it on Thanksgiving since it is Thanksgiving themed.


Meanwhile, my computer has taken to resetting itsself every morning at about 3 or 4 a.m. I woke up at 3 a.m. It was still on. I go in the living room to eat breakfast, and I come back to my room and the computer has reset itself for the second morning in a row. I thought my computer was dead for a whole bunch of times since the time I bought it, but I managed to keep it up and running for over 6 years now.


I noticed my new pill I have to take every morning at 7 a.m. I don't know why it's that time. But oh well. A few days ago before I noticed that, I took it a few hours after, but then I noticed it, so I guess I'll do that. I had a bunch of bizarre dreams lately. I woke up at 3 a.m. to find I was hearing a jet noise. So I turned my fan off and the jet noise disappeared. I turned on my fan and the jet noise returned. So I turned the fan off again and it left again. I laid there in bed for a few minutes with the fan not on, but the jet noise never returned. And no, it was not the fan. It sounded like a jet was flying in the distance. You know that sound.


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