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Frank news.



I decided to try to fix the problems I had with this game. I wasn't holding out any hope, though. I put on some Nine Inch Nails and went to work. But lo and behold, a few hours later, after coding, and compiling, and testing over and over again, I found I had a perfectly working game. Never did figure out why it said "LEVEL 0" on one screen of level 1 and then when I got to the next screen it went back to saying "LEVEL 1." And it saves the progress and everything. I can go into the game, select "continue" on the title screen, and it gives me the correct level and health it had saved when I beat level 1. So now I can continue work on this when I feel like it, or until I run into another problem.


I've been taking that pill for a few days now (the one that says to take it at 7 a.m.) and I haven't choked since I took it. I've come close a few times, but my esophagus cleared itself up before I could go to the bathroom and barf. But I will continue to take apart my big pills and put them in pudding to take them. I've been going to bed earlier and earlier. Today I woke up at about 3:30 a.m. My computer had shut itself off again (for the fourth morning in a row), and going to bed at 1 p.m. Right now I'm sleepy because it's 12:30 p.m. But I don't want to sleep for 15 hours each night.




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