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Using Korg NTS-1 Effects on Audio In Signal




Putting your 8-bit computer audio through one or more effect processors will make a big difference to the listener.  Better or worse will be a matter of opinion. I just think that a little reverb never hurt anyone.



Korg's NTS-1 has three effects processors for MODulation, DELAY, and REVERB.  Changing their settings will effect the sounds from the NTS-1 oscillators and any sound source that is hooked up to the AUDIO IN jack. Even if it's our older computers or game machines.


Recordings were made using an Atari 130XE hooked up to a TV's composite inputs.  The headphone outputs from the TV were routed to the NTS-1 Audio IN.  The headphone jacks on the NTS-1 was then connected to the audio line in on the PC.


Music Studio software on the Atari was used to play the demo file of Pachelbel's Canon in D. First was with all processors off.





The second was with MOD=Flanger, DELAY = Stereo, and REVERB = Hall.  The adjustments were lost the moment the NTS-1 was powered down.  There are add on processors that can be downloaded to the NTS-1; none were used on this file.




The settings of the effects have all been assigned CC#(control code #). If you're running MIDI software that can send CC# commands, they can be changed anytime during the composition.



I've done some experimenting using MIDI Music System software to send CC# to control the arpeggiator.  Didn't save the MMS file or take notes. Trying a second time should indicate how much I learned from the first.  I'll take some notes and save the files.



Edited by k-Pack

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