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Atari BBS Community 1st Sunday Zoom Chat Reminder (November 5th 2023)



Just a reminder about tomorrow's Atari BBS Community Chat for 3pm eastern on Sunday, November 5th.  We do this twice a month, on the first Sunday and third Friday every month.  Agenda wise, we have a few things we can look at and discuss, so we'll leave it up to whoever shows up to decide... or whatever else comes to mind!


Just a few ideas...


  • Koala Pad vs. Atari Touch Tablet face off (had hoped to look at it during the last meeting but the touch tablet didn't arrive in time)
  • My 600xl upgrade journey (with Sub Cart demo)
  • Michtron BBS (the author has resurfaced, but won't be able to join this meeting most likely... but expressed interest in future ones!)
  • Show & Tell - What have you bought recently? (Or maybe not so recently, as long as it's cool!)
  • Some general news about possible upcoming contests/tournaments
  • Whatever other topics the group wants to bring up/discuss.


Hope to see you there!

Please PM me for the link if you're interested.

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