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Part 8 of my ongoing Ultima IV stream.



Last night on my Youtube series Old Games on a Thursday (Old GOAT) I continued my series of playing through Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar for Sega Master System in its entirety.


I made some solid progress in this one, but man I feel like I've got to get the lead out, given that the overworld started throwing Hydras and Liches at me! As one of my viewers mentioned in the chat, the game throws more difficult enemies at you in the overworld depending on total number of turns taken, not how powerful you are.


I did make some solid progress in this chapter, described in the following spoiler tag (in case anyone cares about that!):



acquiring the sextant, loading up on a ton of Cures, locating Mandrake and collecting some, finding the Silver Horn (which will clear the daemons blocking me from entering the Shrine of Humility), and gaining partial avatarhood in three virtues: Honesty, Honor and Valor! That just leaves Humility, Spirituality and Sacrifice. The only one I'm doing well enough in yet to achieve partial avatarhood is Sacrifice. The other two I should be able to get next time. Also I'd like to start knocking out some of the dungeons. I have a good chunk of Despise and Destard mapped out, and it would be great to get their respective stones now that I'm better equipped to do so! (Mandrake will allow me to mix some Negates to use against Reapers; piles of Cures and Heals are necessary in general, hah!)

I've got to keep moving forward to complete the Quest of the Avatar! Excelsior!




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