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Long lost Connect the Dots video game instruction manual found!

Pitfall Harry


I have recovered the Instruction Manual for Connect the Dots off an old dead hard drive I had thought was lost forever.  It's been lost for 21 years. The manual is making its online debut today.


Without further ado, here is the Instruction Manual (see attached image files)...


Connect the Dots - Cartridge


Connect the Dots - p1


Connect the Dots - p2


Connect the Dots - p3


Connect the Dots - p4


If you don't already have a ROM image of the game, it can be found at larger ROM collection internet web sites.  Or you can just grab a copy of it right here.






Connect the Dots - Cartridge.JPG

Connect the Dots - p1.png

Connect the Dots - p2.png

Connect the Dots - p3.png

Connect the Dots - p4.png

Edited by Pitfall Harry

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