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Irish Washerwoman - Another Jig



I was deciding which song to arrange from Maggie Sansone's  "Traditions - Hammered Dulcimer" when I picked "Irish Washerwoman".  The ability to look at the sheet music and hear the music in my head eludes me. After I got the first section programed into MIDI MUSIC SYSTEM software, it was easily recognizable as music I had heard many times before. The remaining  composition was variations on the theme.  





The MIDI Music System file overview 


IrishWasherwoman_Proteus 2000.atr


V1 - the melody - channel 1

There are 6 voices(tracks), V21 - V26, that hold the 6 sections of music.  V1 makes a jump to each of these Voices  in order of play. V21,V22, and V25 share the same cord progression.  V23,V24 and V26 have a slightly different progression.


V2 - Cords  - channel 2

Four cords are used; G - Am - D7 - C.  The cords from a Ukulele cord chart were used. These can be found in V31 to V39.  The odd numbers are a down strokes and the even numbers are the up strokes. The up stroke were not note used.  The sustain control, CC 64(P64,127), is turned on before the strum and will stay on until a change of cord is needed.


There are 2 sequences for the cords. They have been  programed into V27 and V28. The sustain control need only be turned off (P64,0) when the cord is changed. Refresh the cord with a strum as often  as needed.  When a cord change on a real ukulele occures, the sound is deadened as the fingers are moved to the next cord and of course if notes are not turned off they will simply over lay the next cord.


The strum voices are programed for a standard duration of 1/8th note. In this song most strums occurs every 3/8.  There are lots of 1/8th rests used to keep everything in sync.


V3 - drums - channel 3

The drums are a synth base drum.  A triplet leads into a series of beats every 1/8th beat.  The drum sequence was programed on middle C.  Later, the percussion instrument was then chosen by transposing the note.  The Velocity is changed to give an accent on the first and forth beats. The meter is 6/8.


V4 - Utility

It seems that when exiting the play mode using the escape key, the voices are not turned off when  they have been turned on with the control code (64).  One way to deal with this is to send a command for All Notes off(control code 123,0) to the channel of choice.





Once the channels are entered into a voice you simply have to enter edit mode.  Go to the voice with the channel list. Then play that voice.


Enter edit mode.




This should turn off the sounds. Since V1-V20 are played to assigned channels, be sure to deselect the voice,  when the voice falls in this range.


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