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GTATo2600 V1.0



Hi there!


Phew... this took much longer than it should have...


I think I nailed 99% of the code now, maybe 100%. What it definitely does, is create a perfect map of the first GtA dungeon. I still want to verify a handfull more dungeons to make sure that I'm 100% accurate.


New included in this version is the original seedmap, so instead of figuring out the starting seed manually, you can just enter the level (1-8 ) and the dungeon (1-16) numbers you want a map for.


Fans of the game are welcome to try playing with such a map in hands, giving me additional confirmation or error reports :)


Next on the ToDo list now is tweaking the data output so it will create usable data for some 2600 experiments.


"Difficult" challenges aside, like map-uncovering and scrolling for example, I think there's even one "Impossible" thing on the 2600 version:


Horizontal doors.


Vertical ones might eventually work with the (white) player missile, considering there's enough available kernel cycles left. I could possibly just do more of them to compensate for the missing horizontal doors. Or I just do a few secret vertical doors with the ball.


If you think about it, the "normal" doors in GtA are totally bogus anyway, since your adventurer is running around with a full set of keys to every single door in all 8*16 dungeons! :lol:


GTATo2600 V1.0: pac26.zip





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Oh... thanks for the heads up! I only check Heavens stuff once a year, since he never finishes anything anyway :)


I kinda wrap up the task from just the other side. There won't be a map generator in my 2600 conversion project, so I needed to port the code to some other platform in order to precreate a couple of maps.


Didn't touch anything since this entry though. I have a one month vacation in 2 weeks (fingers crossed), but I will try and finish Colony 7, so this one is just once again put on ice :)


(I also might port "Galaxy Wars" to the 2600 sometime next year, for another 4K minigame.)

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Good to see that there's someone liking the game but me! :)


Do you know that there's an amazingly similar Nintendo Arcade? Forgot the name right now, but Nintendo didn't do that many non-nes-based Arcades. Anyway, I prefer the Universal game.

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Galaxy Wars rocks! I'd love to see that on the 2600. :)


Weird enough, as simple as this game seems to be, I don't think it'll make a good translation. I did some experiments, but it all looks ugly.


Plain 8-Bit sprites are too small for the desired effect: even when using 5-in-a-row instead of 4, the gap between them is just too wide.


Using double width sprites will only work with 30Hz flicker, as you can only do mutliple copies *or* bigger sprites.


That is unless someone thinks a horizontal moving "Meltdown" display is doable?

(I thought the trick is considered so fragile, that even the static version won't work on all consoles ;))


Also, even if the Meltdown trick would work, the available spacing won't make it look as if the sprites would properly wrap around. 32 pixel is what you have, while at least 42 would be required to make it look seamless.


Ah well. I'm now trying some to do Cutie Q mockups... ;)

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Weird enough, as simple as this game seems to be, I don't think it'll make a good translation. I did some experiments, but it all looks ugly.


Plain 8-Bit sprites are too small for the desired effect: even when using 5-in-a-row instead of 4, the gap between them is just too wide.

Do you have a binary (or screenshots) you can post? I'd be curious to see what you came up with.

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Hm... I hope tomorrow, that is when I can find a 3.5" disk. I can't go online from home at the moment, since Arcor (German Telecommunication Provider) hijacked my phone and internet connection and I'm still fighting with them to get everything back to my regular provider T-COM...

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