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Plans for 2007



Hi there!


Just trying to get my bits together, making something like a ToDo list for 2007.


In 2007 I want to:


- Become a father again. Chances are best in May :ponder: :D


- Finish Colony 7. A second must.


- Start / Finish / Work on some other 2600 programming projects. We'll see. Son Son, Water Ski, GtA, Galaxy Wars... the list is long :)


- Work on Tron 2600


- Continue working on Park Patrol for the NES.


- Finish my 2600 'essential' collection. I'm already down to just 2 remaining eBay searches: Tunnel Runner and Turmoil. Those two aside, my personal selection of essentials contains another 39 games, though half of them still need some "verification". That means I need to seriously play them for 10 or more hours on the real thing. Once I'm done with this, I'm planning to write some reviews about the "survivors" of this ~ 8 year elimination process (I started with some 2000+ binaries and 300+ cartridges back then). Some small articles, highlighting why I think those games are essential :) And once I'm finished with the buying, I can start selling the "unwanted garbage" :lol:


- Continue reviewing the Coleco library. Basically I'm doing the same as with the 2600 games library. Only the Coleco not even passed the "10 essential titles minimum" yet. This'll get interesting. I don't consider a system with less than 10 ultimate games worth owning, so it's still all or nothing for the Coleco. Will it pass the test like the 2600 or will it fail misreably like the Intellivision, 7800 and Odyssey 2 before it? 2007 may bring me closer to the answer :)


- Actually watch the Godfather trilogy I got for Christmas :)


- Play many NES HSC games. I love the NES.


- Borrow my brothers PSP and play Ultimate G'n'G. I already got to play the first 2 levels when we met on Christmas and what can I say, I'm totally blown away!


- Play X². Now that my wifes new computer is fast enough, there's no more excuses ;)


- Write another series of Blog articles like the one about the Graftgold games, possibly focusing on System 3 this time.


- Write another series of Blog articles like the one about Ghosts'n'Goblins versions, focusing on Last Ninja this time.


That's what I can think of at the moment...





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What's your list of 41, by the way?


It's basically the Top 50 that I posted in some other thread some time ago, minus 9 games eliminated:


*Adventures of Tron
*Air Raiders
*California Games
*Dark Cavern
*Dig Dug
*Ice Hockey
*Indy 500
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns
Private Eye
River Raid
Robot Tank
Secret Quest
Sky Skipper
Snoopy and the Red Baron
Solar Fox
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Star Voyager
Star Wars - Death Star Battle
Super Cobra
Tunnel Runner
Winter Games


* indicates a verified game


BTW: I hope I'm not the only weirdo who is collecting by following a set of selfmade rules? :)

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Cool news for May! Boy or Girl?


We don't know it yet, but are 80% expecting another girl. My wifes mother had three girls, her sister two, so finally a boy would be some major surprise :)


We're currently thinking of calling her Pandora :)

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My Top choices were "Kassandra", "China", "Luna" and "Andromeda", yet my wife vetoed all of them out :)


BTW: Just from the sound of it, I think "Binary" would make a cool girls name :)

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My Top choices were "Kassandra", "China", "Luna" and "Andromeda", yet my wife vetoed all of them out :)

How about Hydra? Mekka? Nova? Stella! :)


BTW: Just from the sound of it, I think "Binary" would make a cool girls name :)

Yes, doesn't sound bad.

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How about Hydra? Mekka? Nova? Stella! :)


Hydra sounds a bit like "that ugly aunt nobody likes" and Mekka would be way too strongly imply religious means of interpretation. Stella is kinda cool for the Atari link, but still, I don't get warm with it.


Nova is way cool though, I'll add that to my list! :) :)

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Hm... now that you mention it... it's not really on purpose though, I guess I just seem to like female names ending with 'a' more than others :)


Since Helena was the name of a Greek goddess, we are trying a bit to find a second name with some relation to Greek Mythology.

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We're currently thinking of calling her Pandora :)


Why would that make me think of a female-anatomical deathtrap?


BTW, I haven't updated it for the most recent years, but check out http://www.casperkitty.com/nametabl.htm if you want to see how names have come and gone over the years. Every name that ever made the top 10 (boys listed separately from girls) from 1880-2003.

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How about Hydra? Mekka? Nova? Stella! :)


Hydra sounds a bit like "that ugly aunt nobody likes" and Mekka would be way too strongly imply religious means of interpretation. Stella is kinda cool for the Atari link, but still, I don't get warm with it.


Nova is way cool though, I'll add that to my list! :) :)


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We're currently thinking of calling her Pandora :)
Why would that make me think of a female-anatomical deathtrap?


It's interesting that you don't get such a reaction when telling someone that you're calling your girl 'Eve', since the Pandoras Box myth is actually just the Greek version of getting kicked out of Paradise. Pandora is a composition of two words, it means "the all gifted".


BTW, I haven't updated it for the most recent years, but check out http://www.casperkitty.com/nametabl.htm if you want to see how names have come and gone over the years. Every name that ever made the top 10 (boys listed separately from girls) from 1880-2003.


Thanks, that's a pretty cool source of inspiration. Though generally too American sounding names won't work well in Germany, so I'd have to use the germanized version in case. (Imagine calling a son 'Pjotr' instead of 'Peter' in your country, see what I mean? ;))




I like it, but it's already taken by a niece :)


There are similar (but very different) lists for Germany. You better avoid the recent top 10 names (I know what I am talking about).


Cool, thanks for this link as well!


My parents did pretty good on choosing unique names. I always felt like being the only Manuel in my generation, though it increased in popularity these days it seems. My sister also never met another "Ilona" (Interesting enough, Ilona is variant of Helena, though we weren't aware of this when choosing Helena for our first :))


My parents-in-law had that concept of having their girls names starting with 'Ma': Maja, Marietheres and my wife Madeleine ;)

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I knew a girl in high school named Andromeda. She went by Andy most of the time.


Other names are Cassiopia, Hera, Europa, Io, Athena, Phoebe, Persephone, Diana or Atalanta. :)

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I see that Thomas is 99, Manuel 136 but David (my name) is still currently 'popular' at 24.


There is a notable overlap between the German and American top names. There are quite a few young Lucas, Max, Niklas, Hanna, Emily and Sara around where I live.


Manuel, speaking of names, it is notable that you changed your last name at some point. Have you ever posted why? I was operating on the theory that you took your wife's name at marriage which is uncommon but does occur and you seem to be a 'modern' sort of man. :)

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Manuel, speaking of names, it is notable that you changed your last name at some point. Have you ever posted why? I was operating on the theory that you took your wife's name at marriage which is uncommon but does occur and you seem to be a 'modern' sort of man. :)


That's it precisely, I took the name of my wife :)

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I've also wondered about your last name; thanks for sharing.


I've also wondered about your first name - I've never heard "Manuel" as a German name, only Spanish - is it pronounced the same?


My name(s) are pretty boring, sadly - Robert Thomas Montgomery. TJ might disagree about the middle name though :)


My new nephew, though, he's got a name: Luca Joseph Wakuine Quatro Costello Montgomery :)

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I've also wondered about your first name - I've never heard "Manuel" as a German name, only Spanish - is it pronounced the same?


Phew, good question. How is it pronounced in Spanish? ;)


Here it is pronounced in three syllables, straightforward german, just as it is written:


ma ~ as in mama

nu ~ as in nude

el ~ as in elephant


My name(s) are pretty boring, sadly - Robert Thomas Montgomery. TJ might disagree about the middle name though :)


My middle name is Christian. Thank heavens that wasn't the main choice, as you can't throw a stone here without hitting someone called Christian :)


My new nephew, though, he's got a name: Luca Joseph Wakuine Quatro Costello Montgomery :)


Quatro and Costello sound cool. Some Italian connection? ;)

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My name(s) are pretty boring, sadly - Robert Thomas Montgomery. TJ might disagree about the middle name though :)

Thomas IS pretty boring. Way too many people of my age have this name.


My 2nd name is Horst (after my Nazi officer grandpa who volunteered for the eastern front in late 1944 :)).

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I've also wondered about your first name - I've never heard "Manuel" as a German name, only Spanish - is it pronounced the same?


Phew, good question. How is it pronounced in Spanish? :)


Here it is pronounced in three syllables, straightforward german, just as it is written:


ma ~ as in mama

nu ~ as in nude

el ~ as in elephant

Where is the accent?


In Spanish, probably like Mon-well with the accent on the "well". Rhymes with dawn-well.

Quatro and Costello sound cool. Some Italian connection? :)

My grandfather is Italian (Joseph Quatro, Americanized version of Quattro), my sister-in-law is half Japanese, half Mexican - hence the Wakuine (spelling might be wrong on that), which is her mom's maiden name, and Costello, which is her maiden name.

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Small update on my plans: All versions but the C64 one of Wizball suck, so I'm either choosing another game or skip this blog feature this year :)


I might check out Wizkid on the Amiga, but I think it's entirely different gameplay wise, AFAIK it just continues the story.

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What's the deal with Park Patrol? Lost interest? Lack of time?


A bit of both I think. Right now it's just one of those projects I might sporadically work on, like GtA or Jumpman for example. Basically I just dropped it from the list so that nobody expects that there'll happen much regarding it this year. Colony 7 and Tron are the main attraction :)


Were you interested in it?

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