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'Cheatin' Chuck Liddell




This has been a long time coming, but finally, my gripefest about Chuck Liddell, orig. promised to come after my UFC 52 wrapup. Before Chuck's resurgance after beating Vernon 'Tiger' White, he had lost 2 fights in a row and was on the track to obscurity. Notice that in his last 3 fights, all of them victories, there have been eye-gouging incidents (highly against the rules for those of you not in the know).Here we go, proof of the blatant cheating by Liddell. On the DVD with the Vernon 'Tiger' White fight, there were no better captures than this one.. already did a capture of Liddell's gouge on Couture.. but here is a post gouge photo of Couture.. a press confrence photo of Ortiz, and a capture of the gouging against White.Too tired to go in depth, the photos speak for themselves. Plus, only Sauron ,ATARIPITBULL and MegaManFan give a shit about the UFC (NovaXpress does as well, but he is MIA right now), so its not like I am writing this for a huge audience :) Ah, the splendors of being fuckin lazy.post-6309-1109193237_thumb.jpg


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