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My E3 experience.. finally



Most of you know, if you know me, that I got to go to E3 this year. The trip was great. E3 itself was great. What was really great was getting to see some old friends again (Jed, Danny and Tiff, and R!) SO good to see you all again! *mass hugs*. I was very sad that I didn’t get to see Wendie or to finally meet little Holly though. I also got to meet a few new people, which is always awesome. I got to meet Joe Grand, the ever smiling.. Kurt, King of the Flashback and last but certainly NOT least was De whose wit was as sharp in person as it is online. Great times :) I wish I could have spent more time with everyone! I think the best part of any trip is the people you get to share it with, especially those certain special people in your life and that would be no exception in this case.Here’s a great shot of Albert, Kurt and Smilin’ Joe Grand in front of the Atari booth!pacman_jr.zipNow.. I could spend hours talking about all the new systems and all the new games I got to see, but there are plenty of places online you could go to if you want that. I just want to write a bit about some of the things about the show that were highlights for me personally, in no particular order.First, the Gameboy Micro! Sure they are repackaging the same thing yet again, but it’s so small and cute and you can customize it with cool faceplates and.. and.. and… did I mention how cute it is?! So yeah.. if it doesn’t cost too much I’ll probably get one. Here’s a pic of me playing with it. Notice the cuteness? Do ya?post-6066-1107759185_thumb.jpgNext.. I Love Katamari! Yes I do… I love Katamari Damacy, and I also love the sequel :) I got to play the cooperative mode with one of the other attendees and we totally kicked it’s butt! Yeah! One of the most fun things I saw at the convention was the giant Katamari. Albert brought a first run Combat cartridge (for the Atari 2600) and the guy stuck it on for us. It was so awesome! Here’s a pic of the combat cart and one of me stuck to the ball.. heh. I’m gonna be a star! :Ppost-6078-1101869752_thumb.jpgOne of the coolest things I saw at the show, and maybe EVER, was the Stargate!. I love Stargate SG1 and it was aweome to get my picture taken standing inside it. I guess they are making an FPS based on the series, but I didn’t play it so I can’t comment on it. It looked good, from what I saw, and I distinctly heard the voices of the actual actors who play the characters so it couldn’t be all bad.. could it? WELL?!? COULD IT?!superpacman.zipmissile_tc_1.2.zip*cough*Sorry.. better now.. heh.One of the benefits of being with Albert is that you get to chill out back in the Atari V.I.P. area at E3. I should have gotten more pics of this place, it was dead sexy back there. Plus, free drinks and food… so that was neat :) Here’s a pic of me in front of one of the interesting decorative features. A fake fur wall treatment that matched my hair!post-6066-1106190238_thumb.jpgA major highlight of the entire trip for me was getting to meet one of my personal heroes, Richard Garriot of Ultima fame. Lord British himself! Lord freakin British y’all! I’ve been playing his games since I started playing PC games way back in the day. The guy lives in a real honest to goodness castle! And he was so nice, he chatted with me for a few minutes while Albert was busy and I was so star struck it wasn’t even funny :) And yes.. Albert was nice enough to take this pic of us so I’d have something to remember the meeting by. *melt*So those were the parts of the show I enjoyed most, and the ones I want to keep in my memory. There are tons more pics soon to be online at AtariAge once I’ve finished sorting through them, mostly of the show itself.. if you’re interested :)


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Thanks and you're welcome!


The pics were taken by Albert, I just picked out the ones that were relevant and put them up here with my little commentary :D


*sigh* yeah.. Lord British. He's so dreaaaaamy! :)

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BinaryGoddess and a Gameboy Micro...too much "cute"-ness in one concentrated area...must shield eyes!

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Nice pic of you and Garriot. Facinating guy. I sure miss the Ultima days....

I don't think I've enjoyed and RPG that much since. Glad you had fun!

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