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To-Do Redo

Nathan Strum


Well, it's time to consolidate my To-Do list, so I can actually update the thing without getting hopelessly confused. :D


Homebrew stuff:

  • Manual and label for another 2600 homebrew - In progress
  • Sprites for Moon Cresta homebrew - In progress
  • Sprites for still-yet-another-arcade-port - In progress
  • Sprites for yet-another-arcade-port - In progress
  • Atari logo on a Mac folder icon - Starting soon
  • Sprites for Wizard of Wor Arcade - In progress
  • Revised sprite for Thomas - In progress
  • Tank sprites for Manuel's version of Tron - Shouldn't take long to do this one
  • Additional (revised) illustrations for the RPS manual - In progress

Major projects:

  • Stella at 20 30 - In Progress
  • Update the 2600 Video Mods page - 2008 (this is going to be a huge update, which is why it keeps getting pushed back)
  • Move MacMAME.net movie reviews to new website - Winter
  • Update "Joysticks" movie review - Winter (pushed back from MacMAME.net's anniversary)
  • Finish and add new movie review - Winter (pushed back from MacMAME.net's anniversary)



  • Revised bitmap for Bob - On hold (I really should wrap this one up)
  • Create GarageBand sample set of 2600 sounds - Someday (one of the previously mentioned overly-ambitious projects)
  • Finish manual for RPS - When game resumes development
  • Finish manual for Man Goes Down - When game resumes development
  • "How-To" tutorial for creating sprites - Eventually
  • In-game art for Chetiry - Game development on hold
  • Even more Stupid Game Ideas - As time permits
  • Sprites for 2600 sports game - When game resumes development
  • Sprites for yet another unannounced 2600 homebrew - When game resumes development


  • Game-related project mentioned in other thread's comments - canceled
  • Special art for the MacMAME.net's 9th anniversary - ran out of time*
  • Maid sprite for Bob's Elevators Amiss - not needed

*For the 9th anniversary art, I'd planned an update of something I'd done in the past. For my 2nd anniversary, I'd created a "2" MacMAME cabinet:



For the 4th anniversary, I made a more elaborate "4" cabinet, with the "TH" made out of arcade flyers:



So for the 9th year, I was going to make a row of cabinets, with the one on the far right looking like a "9" (the others being a "6, "7", and "8"). But I simply ran out of time to do all the modeling and textures required for it. This was as far as I got with it:



Oh well, the best laid plans and such... :roll:


One thing I did manage to do recently, was make a fake box and label and a manual for UFO Patrol. This was to earn some extra points in the 2600 High Score Club, and I had some fun making "authentic" badly-translated, low-budget pirate game artwork. :D


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Several updates:

  • The sprites for "still another arcade port" are now "In progress". I wonder if there are any other 2600 sprites with 32 rotational positions? :ponder:
  • The revised bitmap for Bob is "On hold" for now, until I find the time to get back to it
  • The sprite for Thomas is "In progress" once again, since I had another idea for it (whether it will work or not is a different matter...)
  • The big pile of homebrew reviews is "Almost done" (just four to go)
  • Stella at 20 is now "In progress" (footage is still being digitized, but it's getting there)
  • Video Mods update moved to "Late 2007" - it just ain't gonna happen this summer, and may not happen until next year
  • The MacMAME.net reviews have been pushed back to "Late summer", and that's a longshot
  • The Garageband sample project is "On hold", and has been pushed back to "Someday" - I have no idea when I'll get to this
  • Revised artwork for RPS is now "In progress" (the game isn't back in development, but I got re-inspired to work on it, after a post in SpiceWare's blog)

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Another update:

  • Homebrew reviews are finished!
  • Sprites for "yet another arcade port" are now "In-progress".
  • Changed "mystery shooter" to Moon Cresta, since John revealed its name in a recent thread.

Also, even though John isn't able to work on Moon Cresta and his other games for the time being, I'm going to continue to finish up the sprites for him, so when he's ready to go, they're ready to go. :)

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  • Added entries for Gingerbread Man label and manual
  • Added entry for next round of homebrew reviews
  • Changed the dates of the MacMAME.net projects to Winter

I've been so buried at work since about mid-August (typical, since I'm a computer tech for a college, and our semester began September 10th), that I haven't been able to do much of anything, except the Gingerbread Man art. Even at that, I wasn't able to get the manual done in time for NWCGE this weekend, but that's what mail is for. :D Getting the manual done is next on my priority list. With any luck, I may be able to work with Dave Dries on this again. He's been throwing a lot of good ideas my way for the label (including the concept we ended up using), so at the very least I hope he can keep contributing that way.


Stella at 30 hasn't been touched in quite a few weeks, but I'm hoping to get back to it pretty soon, since my schedule is showing signs of easing up. Glenn seems pretty busy right now anyway, so it's probably just as well. ;)


I'm also hoping to put in some time to try and crank out a whole bunch of the sprites that need finishing up. And I'd like to get back to the RPS art too. I was making pretty good progress before my schedule went ka-blooey. (Not that I have any idea if the game will ever get finished or not... but at least the art will look nice. ;) )

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  • Gingerbread Man manual is now finished
  • Homebrew reviews are all finished
  • Added new homebrew label/manual project (currently in progress)
  • Added note about moving MacMAME.net movie reviews to a new site.
  • Added note about b*nQ contest

I think this will be my last update to this list. Seems to me a good time to start a new one, instead of digging all the way back into April for it.


I should also make a blog category for To-Do lists. I guess I should put that on a To-Do list. :)

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  • Gingerbread Man manual is now finished
  • Homebrew reviews are all finished
  • Added new homebrew label/manual project (currently in progress)
  • Added note about moving MacMAME.net movie reviews to a new site.
  • Added note about b*nQ contest

I think this will be my last update to this list. Seems to me a good time to start a new one, instead of digging all the way back into April for it.


I should also make a blog category for To-Do lists. I guess I should put that on a To-Do list. ;)

Well... that's what happens if you're always too willing to do every art related stuff for every homebrew WIP all the time for free.

Don't take me the wrong way, there's nothing wrong with supporting the homebrew community the way you do, but I just can't figure out how you can make time for all that work? Are you a work-a-holic or sumtin'?



...do you ever experiance sleep?




;) :) :)

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Sleep? I heard of this "sleep" thing before... can't recall exactly what it was though. ;)


I use homebrew projects as my hobby. It's a much-needed creative outlet for me, to get away from the more technical drudgery I deal with at work all day. Admittedly, it does cut into my game playing time. :)


Speaking of drudgery... I'm off to a budget meeting in five minutes. Yay.

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