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I like jazz. I also like long songs. So liking a long jazz song would obviously work. How does 20:49 strike you? I'm in the middle of listening to "One of Another Kind" by VSOP, a jazz quintet with Freddie Hubbard, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony Williams, as they are playing to 30,000 Japanese jazz lovers at a concert. I don't necessarily like "concert" albums, mainly it's because I find the yelling and cheering distracting to the actual music, but the musicians cover the applause nicely with jazz, especially with the drummer Tony Williams. I have only one other Herbie Hancock CD, and I guess he likes doing long songs, although none on the other CD reach even over 12 minutes. My other favorite jazz musicians are Vince Guaraldi and Ramsey Lewis. Well, it's actually 20 minutes, with about 30 seconds of applause and someone saying "You're the greatest audience ever." with cheering. It's weird how they cut the tracks up, though. At least it's one solid track of 20 minutes, not broken up like "6 Degrees of Turbulence." I'm still angry about that one. Oh well. Jazz is cool.


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