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Flea Market Today!



It's that time again! Since I've missed the last one, I've been looking like a hawk in the classifieds for the flea markets. And I found it on Friday. And apparently, it's gotten bigger. It used to be in the Jackman-Long building at the fairgrounds (about the size of an average grocery store.) Now, it's being held at the Armory. I don't know how big that is because I've never been to the Armory before, but mom says it's bigger. We're going at about 11am because before that, Mom has to take her father's cat to a special pet blessing service at church. I don't know why anyone would want their pet blessed, but Grandpa apparently does. I'm not going. I've got better things to do, like stay at home and watch TV. So, anyway, hopefully I'll find *something* with at least the Atari logo (like the last time I went, when I bought a glass arcade part of Dig Dug.), maybe if I'm extremely lucky, some 2600 and/or Lynx games I don't already have.


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