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Dentist Time Again



Tomorrow is that time of year again, DENTIST TIME!!!! Argh! I don't know why they have to put it so close to my birthday. Well, anyway, since the medical plan I'm on has reduced me to once every 12 months instead of 6, my sister said they'd try to get me to still go every 6 months by putting me on a 'special needs'-type thing. My teeth are fine, thank you. They don't hurt. Sure there may be a cavity or two, but unless I need a root canal or something (knock on wood), I'm not really special needs in terms of tooth care. Well, anyway, wish me luck, and afterwards, Mom says she'll take me to Best Buy (See, I don't have even a driver's permit, so my mom has to take me everywhere. It's no big deal because I live with her, I'm paying her rent.)


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