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6 Months With the Lynx



Well, it's been six months since I bought the Lynx, and I haven't regretted it for a second. Right now I have 28 games, but I went ahead and ordered 2 more so hopefully I'll have 30 by the first part of next week, if not sooner. So, with 6 months, I got these 28 games:


Baseball Heroes, Batman Returns, Bill & Ted, California Games, Chip's Challenge, Crystal Mines II, Dirty Larry, Gates of Zendocon (ridged), Hockey, Hydra, Ishido, Klax, Kung Food, Ms. Pac-Man, Pinball Jam, Power Factor, Qix, Rampart, Shadow of the Beast, Shanghai, Steel Talons, Super Skweek, Switchblade II, Todd's Adventures in Slime World, Toki, Tournament Cyberball, Warbirds and Xybots.


Out of these, the games I play the most are Pinball Jam, Qix, Shanghai, and a few rounds of Ms. Pac-Man every now and then. My goal is to have 56 by the first year anniversary with it (May 5.) Hopefully I can do that without spending too much money.


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