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Q: What's more amazing than the Blazers beating Dallas?

A: The Blazers beating Detroit!


Yes, they did it. Now is the time to worry though for Blazers fans. After winning 4 at home, they have another road trip, which could be just as disastrous as the first one. (they went 0-3 to begin the season on the road.) And, they have to play Denver at Denver. Can they win 1 mile above sea level? We'll find out tomorrow. The rest of the road trip they face Philly, Washington, and Charlotte.


now for avatar talk. The N64 is my second-favorite console (Atari 2600 is the ultimate Fun Machine.) The N64 has everything except for Metroid. Why no Metroid, yet two Zeldas? And I really wish there was a Super Mario 64 II. Some homebrewer should make another 3D game for the N64. The N64 was way better than the Playstation. Way more games for my interest. All I have for the PSX are Missile Command and Pong. And the loading screens, yeesh! A loading screen for Pong. Whoodathunkit? Well, check out the N64 High Score Club in the Classic Gaming General forums. Hopefully I can get a Robotron 64 copy before week 1 ends this Monday.


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