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Big Day Tomorrey



Well, I have to drag my mom to the flea market tomorrow. I probably won't find any Atari-related items, but if I do, even if it's remotely connected to Atari, I will buy it. Like the glass part of a Dig Dug arcade machine. I bought it because it had the Atari logo on it. If there is a 5200 or 7800 or something else I don't have, I will buy it, no matter what the cost. Also, we are going to Stinky Town. We call Value Village "Stinky Town" because it smells. Must be all those used clothes or something. But I don't go there for the clothes, or the knick-knacks, I go there because it has VIDEO GAMES. Yes, gang, you might remember last time I went there they had 12 2600 games. Had to buy one (I bought the Atari version of Othello). Well, I'm going there tomorrow to try my luck again.


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