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Thanksgiving Wrap-up



Well, I had a good ol' fashioned Thanksgiving dinner with my family. My sister Stacie, her boyfiend, my niece, Dad, Grandpa and my Mom came. Stacie brought the turkey, and my niece was annoying as usual. I guess that dinner chemical doesn't work on her. Well, anyway, there was stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. Grandpa even brought a pumpkin pie for desert, but I don't like pumpkin pie (neither does my dad.), so I just let everyone else enjoy theirs.) Well, everything was going well until...

They left. I went to work on my top-secret game. Turns out it sometimes has a scanline of 263. I don't know why (I'm using batari Basic), but I had a perfect game on try 1 (no Stella stoppage), Stella stopped it on try #2, and again on try #3. So now my least favorite number is 263. My favorite number is still 47.


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