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White tomorrow



Well, the Weather Channel changed again, and it might snow tonight (Today into tomorrow). So, it's still potentially a white November 30th, just 24 hours sooner. Yesterday, they had three days lined up on their 7 day forecast of "wintery conditions", but then scaled it back to tomorrow, even though the temperatures are supposed to be the same. Right now, it's 44 degrees, and today's high is supposed to be 43. How does that work? Wouldn't today's high be 44 if it already reached 44 today? The Weather Channel's radar is screwed up. Yesterday it said there was rain here (our place was in the green for quite some time), but it wasn't raining at all.

Anyway, B&C ComputerVisions is getting rich off of me. I already recieved Gates of Zendocon, Todd's Adventures in Slime World, Gordo 106 and Viking Child from them, but yesterday I ordered Rygar and Stun Runner. Along with two other games I'll get soon from another deal, I'll have 34 Lynx games. And I won't stop there, folks. ;)


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Looks like we might get some significant snow at the end of this weekend into early next week. It's damn cold outside right now (the temperature has been dropping all day), and winter has officially arrived as far as I'm concerned.



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You people living in Ohio are so lucky. My mom lived in Akron as a kid and she told me that it gets dark in the early afternoon because the storms are so big. And then there's all the snow you get. I wish my grandparents still lived there. I'd probably find some really cool Atari stuff at the flea markets/used video game stores there. Anyway, the winter storm has been delayed. It seems all the local people say it will snow Saturday instead of Friday.

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