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Sega Master System



I went to Value Village today. Mom was very kind to me, as she had to drive in a downpour to get there. I had been eyeing the Sega Master System in its original box there for the last two visits, but the price tag (which said $49.99) had been turning me off. Well, I finally got the courage to ask the clerk about it. He took it down off the shelf and let me look through it. Everything was in a bag: light gun, two controllers, the Master System itself. The box had a few rips in it. It even came with a game. So I said "what the heck, I'll buy the thing." He only charged me $25 for it, even though the price tag said 49.99. I don't know why. And here's the best part of all: It works! Not that I'd doubt Value Village, I've got working Atari 2600 carts there before, but this is my first time I've bought a whole *system* there. So now I can go to the Lancaster Game Crazy and get SMS games. The Lancaster Game Crazy has a SMS there for $39.99, but it had no box, no light gun, and probably no game to go with it. And now that the snow is over (ha ha), we're going to have a very serious storm with gusts up to 55 mph and there's now a flood watch. I guess this is a welcome to December kind of thing.

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I've found Value Village (at least the one around me) would sometimes have a 50% off sale on the entire store, so perhaps you walked in on one of those kinds of days. I walked in one day to get a few things and had a similar surprise at the cash.


Finding a BOXED system at Value Village is pretty rare tho. Finding one of those at the one near me is pretty much unthinkable.


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