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A rant about DTV



The "D" standing for Digital this time instead of "Disney". If you're asking about the DTV Valentine's Day special, NO, I don't have it any more, so quit asking for it. If I ever get a new VHS-to-DVD converter machine, I will let you know.


Now, to the aforementioned rant. Apparently, I must be the only one in the world that thinks analog television is fine. The picture quality is fine with me. Call me Mr. Slowsky, but it's true. And I like to watch various channels coming in from my weak indoor antenna set. I still draw televisions with "rabbit ears" to distinguish to the reader that they are TV sets (does the TV set on "The Simpsons" still have rabbit ears?), but with this push to digital TV, I really need to get with the times in terms of drawing television sets.


And also in terms of watching television sets. I'd still like to watch KWVT, as well as what used to be K61CC (which moved to channel 21.), and in order to do that, I need a DTV Converter Box. The problem is not the cost (I can afford the $50-70), it's just the fact that I don't WANT to, and I shouldn't need to. Stupid Congress and their pushing laws that affect poor people like this into law. They can do this and not outlaw cigarettes? Come on, doesn't Congress have more important things to do, like, oh, I don't know, catching Osama bin Laden, stopping terrorism, y'know, stuff like that? Does it really matter what method of TV I'm watching as nuclear bombs from North Korea are raining down on me?


Anyway, as the ol' Bob Dylan song goes, the times, they are a'changin', and Bob Dylan has more than enough money to have whatever TV type he wants. ;)


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The main reason for shutting down analog television is to free up the frequencies used by the high UHF channels to be reallocated for new data communication services. Those services will be used to make computers and cell phones more mobile and to allow public safety organizations (like fire and police) have systems that allow them to communicate with each other more easily in times of crisis.

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I also prefer analog TV, although I get it via cable rather than antenna. The main reason is with analog TVs I can use my PC tuner card, my DualTuner TiVo, the TV's built-in tuner, and the VCR's built in tuner.


But my cableco did make me an offer I couldn't refuse (a near free STB), so one of my TVs has joined the DTV dark side. (Though I hate the compression artifacts.)

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