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Renaming NBA teams



The Portland Blazers beat the Utah Jazz at Utah by 8 points. Now, if they could only win tonight against Golden State at Portland...

NBA team names are really weird. Take for instance, the Golden State Warriors. Why is it Golden State, why not the San Francisco Warriors or the Oakland Warriors? It'd make a lot more sense. And the Utah Jazz? There is no jazz in Utah. They should rename the team the Utah Beehives or something and give the Jazz name back to New Orleans who is now called the Hornets, which used to be Charlotte's name, but now that Charlotte has a new team, it's called the Charlotte Bobcats. Confused yet? With all these teams moving, there's only a few NBA team names that make any sense any more. And when Seattle moves to Oklahoma City, I bet they'll become the Oklahoma City Sonics even though the word 'sonic' has nothing to do with Oklahoma City (there may be a Sonic's restaurant there, but that's about it.) Maybe they could get some deal with Sega and have Sonic the Hedgehog be the Sonics mascot, like the way U of O got a deal with Disney to use a Donald-Duck-like duck for the U of O Ducks. And, everyone knows there aren't any raptors in Toronto...


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