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Girl comics



I've just recently started drawing my comic in Microsoft Paint rather than the old fashioned way with a pen and paper. Mind you, there's nothing wrong with pen and paper (I still prefer drawing my other comics this way.) But with Paint, I can now do them in glorious color. And, by saving them in the PNG format (as opposed to the JPG that my scanner saves them), they take up less room on my computer. I bet I could get my scanner to save them to PNG format, and maybe buy Photoshop or something that'll allow me to do comics by hand and then color them with the computer, but until then, this'll have to do. The first comic that uses this method (for those who're interested) will be December 30th's. I've been putting this comic up every Sunday without interruption since April of 2006. Sometimes, I've even done one Wednesday in addition to the Sunday one, but I have less ideas nowadays. And since the comic is called Jessica, I include her in every strip I have. Unlike this comic called Luann, which goes for weeks not including the name sake (save Sunday.) What's it been, like 2 weeks since Luann has shown up in the dailies? Anybody read that comic? (Anybody read *my* comic?)


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