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Atarixlbox Changes



It's funny how minor little typo's can affect how code runs. Especially something like a semicolon which was totally messing up my loadstate code. :lol:


Herein lies a list of the changes I made (that I remember). I reversed the order so the sequence they were completed is bottom up.



Current code base is 1.3.2 with a few things upped to 1.3.5. Don't expect any miracle updates anytime soon.




Fix cartridge select code so it is more flexible for future cartridge type additions.

Set it up so if you load a game from the "favorites" menu that the "change a disk" option takes you to same directory that game is located in. (Temporarily put on hold due to some issues it causes).




Load save state now works like it is supposed to, even when restoring from a zipped file. The only exception is Samba/Relax drives. X-port's code copies them to the x: drive and in some cases renames them. Savestates only store the destination filename thus making it difficult to guess the original filename. I'll have to think about this one for a while. Look at it this way. The savestates for multi-disk games never worked right to begin with. :lol:


Plugged in code to "autodetect" the media type. Stole it from the Atari800 2.0.0. code. It works great!!


I added an option to the "Game Options" menu to display what files are "loaded" in the disk drives so I have a better idea of what is going on.


Copied over the Preset controller stuff into the "Game Options" menu. Tested and working. The cartridge select code now filters out or in 5200 carts depending on machine type. Took a while to figure that one out. It's amazing how much trouble one little line can cause. :lol:


Still working on getting proper disk to load when a savestate is loaded, almost there. But this one has me baffled as to why it is not working. Unfortunately a few "assumptions" have to be made. Like all mounted disks if they were unzipped came from originating game zip and not elsewhere. Seems another issue is relax and samba files are renamed and copied to the X: drive hence making the information saved by the savestate useless.


Temporarily commented out some savestate code I thought that was not being used, only to find out it is part of the "rewind" function. :lol: I'll look at it more closely later.


Fixed up the problem created from using multiple files in a .zip. This error also occured when "changing disks". Removed all the configure game code that does not need to execute when changing disks and changed it so the emulator keeps all of the save/config/key stuff underneath the originating (read boot) disks name. Keep in mind that if you play any game that "saves" to a floppy, that disk has to be a seperate UNZIPPED file.


Well I modified the savestate so it saves the SIO and Cartridge state. Although I'm not really sure what advantage this provides. Other then possibly rescuing me from the multi-files in a .zip problem the code seems to have. Yup. Apparently selecting a disk from a multi-file zip creates all kinds of havok with the game in question being played (Imagine removing the floppy disk while playing a game). As well as dumping a bunch of files in the "E:\\saves\atarixlbox\ directory. I'm currently working around this "issue" but it also seems to affect the C64 emulator (ViceX) as well.


Apparently the front end did not "unload" a disc from the drive when switching games thus creating weird behavior. Fixed that.


Hacked in the ability to pick a file from within a zip file when selecting a game. That way multi-disk games can be zipped now. I stole the code from the ViceX emulator whom's code seemed the same (unlike Winuaex which seems like a beast in of itself). Need to add this feature to WinstonX sometime in the future.


In the user preset controls I currently only save Emulator Definitions and Joypad Mappings. Autofire Config, Combo Config, and Rumble Config seem to be the type of things that would be game specific so I don't save those. Not sure what to do about analog stick and analog button sensitivity (anyone use these?)


Added in three user definable preset controls. They are Atari Joystick (stick based games, space, enter, and esc mapped), Atari Keyboard (assigns the d-pad to the arrow keys), and Atari 5200 stick (for 5200 specific set-up). This is in the "Game Configuration" screen and will be eventually added to the "Game Options" menu. Filenames are "Atari 5200 Stick.ini", "Atari Joystick.ini", and "Atari Keyboard.ini" and are stored in the default saves diretory.


Changed the "Game Configuration" menu so that when computer 5200 type is picked the menu options pertaining to "other" modes are not listed. This includes the Video Type "NTSC/PAL" option since there is no such thing as a PAL 5200.


Modified the button definitions to include "5200 specific" options, as well as removing unneeded stuff like "F1-F10". Tried to keep them lined up as to be least likely to create "issues" with older ".key" saves. Things less likely to be used (like mouse buttons) I pushed towards the end.


Added a pregenerated pallette for NTSC that is supposedly more accurate. (genpal -colshift 30 -colors 80) See this msg topic. Not sure how accurate this is, I really need to dig out my 130xe. Here is an image.



Fixed the option for setting artifacting mode. Turned out to be a typo.


Fixed the screen shot save function. Turned out to be a typo. Here is a before and an after.



Removed the option to use old pokey since new pokey is so much better. Old config files will still load and the pokey automatically defaults to NEW.


Fixed the sound. Oddly enough the fix was changing the number of simulated pokeys to 2. Don't have a clue as to why this fixed the issue. Only that it does nothing on the DOS version which does have messed up sound that was not fixed until 1.3.5. Must be an xbox thing. Weird.


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