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My Lynx is purring now



While the relative size of a Lynx game is small, the value of it to me is way bigger. I have a few new additions to my Lynx library. By the way, if I were you, I'd expect another Lynx review soon. I've been slacking off on them. I can't do every single game (for example, I have no clue how to play Baseball Heroes, because I don't know much about baseball), but I'll do as many games as I can play. In other news, I've been sleeping better. I slept for 10 hours. The clock on my VCR in my room has been off an hour, so when I woke up at 5:15, I assumed it was 4:15, but when I went in the living room and saw my mom sitting there, it was actually 5:15 (she gets home at 4:30). So, that's weird how my VCR had suddenly fixed itself. That makes for another episode of the Twilight Zone, unless it thinks that last night it was October and it fell back for Daylight Saving Time, but I don't know. It was weird because when I went to sleep it was an hour ahead. Well, anyway, that's it for today.


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